
Friar Is To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death

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Friar Is To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death
Some may believe that fate and destiny was the cause of Romeo and Juliet’s death. Others may argue that the cause of their deaths were from the actions of the characters in the book. You can even make an argue for both sides and be able to give specific examples for each. Ultimately, I think that Friar John is the one to blame for their deaths. His boss sent him on an important mission to deliver the plan to Romeo and he was playing at some sick guy’s house. Then he failed to ask the people who quarantined him to notify Friar Lawrence of the mishap. So really the blame goes to him and it is not fate nor destiny.

Let’s start with the fact that Friar Lawrence trusted Friar John to deliver the most important letter that can cause lives to be broken and hearts to be crushed. Also he wasted time by stopping at a sick guy’s house and then getting quarantined. If he didn’t stop to help, his journey there wasn’t going to be delayed and he could have gotten there on time. Also because he didn’t tell Friar Lawrence of what happened so he wasn’t able to fix it.
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Everyone thought that Juliet was dead and since Romeo was never informed of the plan he also thought that Juliet was dead.Which caused him to buy a potion that he would eventually use to kill himself. We could still blame Friar John because he wanted to stop at places on his way to Romeo which caused the plan to be out of order and also because he failed to do a simple order.

We all have different opinions on whether or not it was fate or the characters. It’s just the matter if you can find evidence to support your argument. I still believe that Friar John it the one to blame because of what he failed to do. Also there are other people, that believe that it was both fate and the actions of other characters because of what happened in the book. In the end no one deserved to witness this tragedy whether it was fate or

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