
Examples Of Mind Control Strategy Sata Satan

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Examples Of Mind Control Strategy Sata Satan
Mind control strategy # 1

At the instant the lower dimensional planes were created, Satan began his manipulation of all things, to confuse Adam, Eve and every newborn. Satan well understood that the lower dimensions are controlled by the mind and, the mind brilliantly replicates core beliefs and programs. He began to program successive generations of Adam from the moment of their birth.
Mind programming refers to thoughts and beliefs with which you feed your mind. When a baby is born, it is programmed with information about life, about money, about health, about sex and these form the basis for life. The subconscious mind is programmed with these thoughts and beliefs by the time the child reaches 12 to 14 years of age. In infancy and through their early teenage years, a child receives and adopts their parent’s teachings, views, likes, dislikes and worldview.

The media, which encompass movies, songs, celebrities and authority figures also play their respective roles by infusing the young with negative thoughts and beliefs regarding life, love, money, and sex. Satan spreads the notion that Adam fell into darkness because he had sex with Eve and reproduced. The truth is that Adam and Eve had sex well before their matrix life.
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He began to spread misinformation regarding the most addictive and frequently used substances, like sugar, coffee, rice, water and wine. He encouraged movies and songs promoting negative messages about money. Satan then caused these songs and movies to be repeated millions of times, effectively brainwashing the masses. After all, the science and operating principle of mind programming is repetition. The mind, because of repetition, becomes hard wired with these detrimental thoughts. As a result, the mind is hard wired with these false narratives, re-living them for the next 50 to 60

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