Introduction to Church Ministries
Be familiar with the following content from The Preface, Introduction, Appendix, & Chapters 1–5 of “Think Like Jesus: Understanding the Mind of Christ” by Dr. Gutierrez
Questions taken from the “PREFACE” of “Think Like Jesus” by Dr. Gutierrez
1. According to Gutierrez (Preface), “It follows logically that the Book of Philippians teaches that the reader who desires to know the Mind of Christ must first know…The Person of Christ” Be able to complete the sentence.
2. According to Gutierrez (Preface), “Jesus’ title or personal name occurs 51 times within these 104 verses!” Be able to fill in the blanks.
3. Be able to confirm or deny if the following statement is accurate (According to Gutierrez - Preface), “Only after you acknowledge that Jesus Christ is indeed the incarnate God Himself, that He lived a sinless life, that Jesus Christ’s death on the cross is the only sacrifice that is able to provide a payment for your sins, and that Jesus Christ physically rose from the dead in bodily form, and repent of your sins and ask Jesus Christ to save you from your sin and to be your Savior – THEN, will you be able to receive the benefit of being able to live out Mind of Christ!”
Questions taken from the “INTRODUCTION” of “Think Like Jesus” by Dr. Gutierrez
4. According to Gutierrez (Introduction), “It would be Unachievable and Impossible if it were left to a mere man to teach you how to live out the Mind of Christ.” Be able to fill in the blanks.
5. According to Gutierrez (Introduction), “The Mind of Christ is not an Incomprehensible Mystery.” Be able to fill in the blanks.
6. According to Gutierrez (Introduction), “God does not play spiritual “Hide and Seek” with His instruction about the Mind of Christ.” Be able to fill in the blanks.
7. According to Gutierrez (Introduction), “God displays it [i.e., His instruction about the Mind of Christ] openly and clearly within the Book of Philippians so that His Children can be Uniquely One with Him” Be able to complete the sentence.
8. According to Gutierrez (Introduction), Know the reasons listed in the paragraph that followings this question, “Why aren’t more people living their lives according to the Mind of Christ?” (Helpful HINT: Each reason is found in the sentences that begin with the word, “Maybe…”)
They never realized the benefits of knowing the Mind of Christ.
Listening to well intentional but uninformed preaching about the subject.
9. According to Gutierrez (Introduction), know the two “Misconceptions are about the Mind of Christ.”
Only the “Spiritual Elite” are able to live out the Mind of Christ
The mind of Christ is a general, ambiguous cliche that cannot be specifically defined and thus hard to apply and explain.
10. According to Gutierrez (Introduction), “The problem is that when Paul penned the words in Philippians 2:5 (“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus”) he never intended them to be applied in a general sense. He never intended these words to be a blanket statement for every possible counseling situation and for every decision in a believer’s life. Paul had a much more specific application in mind when he penned these words – Very Specific Be able to fill in the blanks.
Questions taken from the “APPENDIX” of “Think Like Jesus” by Dr. Gutierrez
11. According to Gutierrez (Appendix), “In Figure 1, I provided the text of Philippians 2:1-11. In addition, I inserted spaces between some of the verses and labeled each section according to its content. This will assist us in identifying the Five (5) major sections of Philippians 2:1-11.” Be able to fill in the blank.
12. According to Gutierrez (Appendix), “So, what is the problem with searching for the specific teaching of the Mind of Christ in verses six through eight? The problem is Paul never intended believers to look for the teaching on the Mind of Christ” Be able to complete the sentence.
13. According to Gutierrez (Appendix – Figure 1 – Chart of Philippians 2:1-11), Know which verses comprise the “Rationale Verse 1” “Three-fold Mindset – Prescribed (Prescriptive)…Verse 2-4,” “Transition Verse 5” “Three-fold Mindset – Described (Descriptive) Verse 6-8,” and “Result/Reward Verse 9-11.”
14. According to Gutierrez (Appendix), “So, if we want to claim that we are truly paralleling the Mind of Christ in our lives as we function within the Body of Christ, these 3 mindsets must be true of us!” Be able to fill in the blank.
15. According to Gutierrez (Appendix), “But even though there are 3 mindsets or attitudes listed in the prescriptive portion of this passage, there is one very important qualifier: They are not separate, individual mindsets, rather 1 aspect of 1“mind” (v.5)!” Be able to fill in the blanks.
16. According to Gutierrez (Appendix), “If the believer desires to live out the Mind of Christ, he must Inculcate all three attitudes listed” Be able to complete the sentence.
17. According to Gutierrez (Appendix), “Regardless if, in your own human thinking, you rationalize that His way will not work out for the best, you need to at the outset purpose in your heart to obey God no matter how tempted you are to turn away from His teaching. ” Be able to complete the sentence.
Questions taken from “CHAPTER ONE” of “Think Like Jesus” by Dr. Gutierrez
18. According to Gutierrez (Chapter One), “Philippians 2:5 says, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” When Paul penned this verse in his own language, he chose an interesting word for “mind.” The word mind here means “Attitude” or “Thinking.” Be able to fill in the blanks.
19. According to Gutierrez (Chapter One), “In fact, if you were to read all of Paul’s letters in the New Testament (Romans – Philemon; thirteen letters total) and count how many times you come across this word, you would find it only twenty-three times. What is even more interesting is that 10 of those occurrences are found in this little four-chapter Book of Philippians!” Be able to fill in the blank.
20. According to Gutierrez (Chapter One), “This is an important point because if you claim to have the Mind of Christ but do not demonstrate a life that reflects this attitude in action Your are not to be believed when you say you have the Mind of Christ” Be able to complete the sentence.
21. According to Gutierrez (Chapter One), “When the Bible instructs you to “Let this mind be in you,” it is implying that if you want to have the Mind of Christ you must also Change Your Thinking” Be able to complete the sentence.
22. According to Gutierrez (Chapter One), “Circumstances can Never change a heart. Circumstances can put great or little pressure on the decision maker, but they only provide the environement in which a change of heart takes place!” Be able to fill in the blanks.
23. According to Gutierrez (Chapter One), “But we can never blame our circumstances for a lack of Spirituality.” Be able to fill in the blank.
24. According to Gutierrez (Chapter One), Know the three “Actions” that comprise the “Unity Checklist.” Unity of Affection, Unity of Spirit, unity of Purpose
25. According to Gutierrez (Chapter One), “’Unity of Affection’ is another way of saying that you have a deep commitment to love one another no matter the Personality or Physical Differences: Love means Total Commitment” Be able to complete the sentence.
26. According to Gutierrez (Chapter One), “It brings honor and glory to God when we love one another - Unity of Affection – because We are reflecting the very mind and example of Christ” Be able to complete the sentence.
27. According to Gutierrez (Chapter One), “’Unity of Spirit’ is another way of saying that you have a deep commitment to love one another to the level of being “Soul-Mates” with one another.” Be able to fill in the blanks.
28. According to Gutierrez (Chapter One), “Unity of Purpose means that, amid the many diverse personalities and skill sets of the people within our churches and ministries, we need to make sure we maintain commitment to the purpose or reason that we are involved in church work or a Christian ministry.” Be able to fill in the blanks.
29. According to Gutierrez (Chapter One), “Unity of Purpose and focuses on Christ-centered, God-willed work” Be able to complete the sentence.
30. According to Gutierrez (Chapter One), “The Bible is mandating “Unity of Purpose,” not “Uniformity in Personality.” Be able to fill in the blanks.
Questions taken from “CHAPTER TWO” of “Think Like Jesus” by Dr. Gutierrez
31. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “Selfish Ambitions” implies that one is doing something for the sole purpose of promoting himself and not the glory of God.” Be able to fill in the blanks.
32. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “Why do self-promoters eventually reveal themselves to everyone? Because the ones who desire to promote themselves begin to deceive themselves in believing that they are better disguisers of their motives than they really are!” Be able to complete the sentence.
33. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “Remember, God’s Word is likened to “Light.” And if you saturate yourself with the Word of God, you are going to be able to discern anything that is not Light.” Be able to fill in the blanks.
34. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “Conceit is a word that means “empty accolades and opinions” of man.” Be able to fill in the blank.
35. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “Every believer in Jesus Christ needs to be careful not to get caught up into listening to the praises of man when they minister to their church community, family, and friends. Be able to complete the sentence.
36. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “God will sustain you with His encouragement that is neither empty nor fleeting. How does He do this? By informing you of Eternal Results!” Be able to fill in the blanks.
37. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “If these two sinful attitudes are resident in you, there is no way you should believe that you are living according to Biblical humility and you are subsequently unable to live out the Mind of Christ.” Be able to fill in the blanks.
38. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “Therefore, it recommends that, if you desire to live out the attitude of humility, it will help whenever you interact with a person, you do so believing that he or she is better than you! Be able to complete the sentence.
39. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “So, in order to keep our minds humble and protected from becoming “holier than thou,” we should consider our time interacting with others as a privilege and an honor—and we should let them know that we feel this way!” Be able to complete this entire sentence.
40. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “The Enemy of Humility is Pride.” Be able to fill in the blank.
41. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “It is not weakness to acknowledge the daily safeguards that you must implement in order to protect you from your flesh - it is wisdom!” Be able to fill in the blank.
42. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “Pride is a weapon that enjoys destroying people’s lives. Pride plays no favorites. Pride will turn on you just as quickly as it clung to you upon your summoning it to be your partner in ministry. Pride will destroy your ministry!” Be able to fill in the blanks.
43. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “It is hard to know why the Lord allows some to continue in their pride as they live their lives and even minister as Christian leaders. But be assured of this truth: there will be a time when God will deal with the sin of pride in every person's life.” Be able to complete the sentence.
44. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “Remember, it is not the words that make a response reflect the attitude of humility; it is always the heart behind the words.” Be able to fill in the blanks.
45. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “You can say the very same words and bring attention to yourself rather than bring attention to God.” Be able to fill in the blanks.
Questions taken from “CHAPTER THREE” of “Think Like Jesus” by Dr. Gutierrez
46. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Three), “Our purpose for inquiring as to what is going on in the lives of our friends and family members is not to pry or to satisfy our curiosity, but to see how we can offer our support, prayers, or simply just a listening ear – for the Benefit of the other person” Be able to complete the sentence.
47. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Three), “In other words, our concern should not only be expressed in General terms but in Specific terms and with Specific Purposeful Intent.” Be able to fill in the blanks.
48. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Three), “Selflessness, therefore, has a Quota that can Never be fulfilled!” Be able to fill in the blanks.
49. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Three), “Admittedly, you can perform a singular act that resembles selflessness, but you cannot brand yourself as a selfless person unless your life is characterized by a heart attitude that Continually exemplifies biblical selfessness.” Be able to fill in the blanks.
50. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Three), “In other words, “anything and everything” that matters to a person should Matter to You” Be able to complete the sentence.
51. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Three), “In some circumstances you may want to inquire of your friend’s situation. But remember that selflessness bears a responsibility to support your friend in spiritual change and not to only fulfill your desire to help.” Be able to fill in the blanks.
52. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Three), “The Mind of Christ is cultivated when you actively meditate on the teaching of Philippians 2:2-4, confess with your heart any sin, and carefully follow all of the Biblical directives about cultivating Unity, Humility, and SELFLESSNESS.” Be able to fill in the blanks.
53. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Three), “If you want to bring honor and Glory to God, the best way you can do it is to live out the three-fold attitudes that comprise the mind of Christ!” Be able to complete the sentence.
Questions taken from “CHAPTER FOUR” of “Think Like Jesus” by Dr. Gutierrez
54. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Four), “Yet, it is important to remember this very significant point when studying these three verses: Any theological teaching that is able to be abstracted from Philippians 2:6-8 is a Mere by – Product to the main point of these verses!” Be able to fill in the blanks.
55. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Four), “So, why did the Apostle Paul pen these words? He penned Philippians 2:6-8 in order to provide For us an example of someone who both lived out the Mind of Christ and inspired us to follow His example” Be able to complete the sentence.
56. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Four), “Therefore, if the Head of the Church, Jesus Christ, abided by this three-fold mindset, it is incumbent upon the members of the Body of Christ to also abide by this three-fold mindset.” Be able to fill in the blanks.
57. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Four), “According to this verse, Jesus was ALWAYS 100% God in the flesh the entire time He was physically on this earth.” Be able to fill in the blank.
58. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Four), “There is never an experience so dire, turbulent, cataclysmic, supernatural, or colossal that your church can ever experience that it can’t handle, if you follow God's way of maintaining fellowship and unity!” Be able to complete this sentence.
59. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Four), “There is no reason why church congregations cannot brave any storm, so long as all the people involved are living out the mind of Christ.” Be able to complete the sentence.
60. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Four), Know “the three ways in which Jesus stripped Himself of His Majestic Glory and humbled Himself.”
The King of Kings becomes a servant
The King of Kings experienced a human birth
The King of Kings veiled His glory
61. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Four), Which one of the following options is NOT one of “the three ways in which Jesus stripped Himself of His Majestic Glory and humbled Himself?”
62. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Four), “I believe that when the Holy Spirit inspired the Word of God, He chose to use the word “Cross” more often than any other word to describe Jesus’ sacrifice because God wanted us to remember that our precious Lord spared no embarrassment, no guilt, and no shame as He sacrificed His life for the sin of the world.” Be able to fill in the blank & complete the sentence.
63. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Four), “If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, I want to encourage you not to ever utter the word “Cross” without thinking of this beautiful verse[Phil. 2:8].” Be able to fill in the blank.
Questions taken from “CHAPTER FIVE” of “Think Like Jesus” by Dr. Gutierrez
64. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Five), “We must have a Biblical Balance when it comes to offering praise to man and praise to God.” Be able to fill in the blanks.
65. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Five), “The amount of praise that you offer to God should be weightier so that, in comparison, it should utterly “tip the scales” in favor of Jesus Christ.” Be able to fill in the blanks.
66. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Five), “But we compromise the Biblical balance that is presented in scripture if we find ourselves praising man and Attributing to him a level of greatness that rivals the greatness of God rather than ushering due praise to the God Who gave that man the abilities he has.” Be able to fill in the blanks.
67. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Five), “If, after hearing us preach, teach, or sing, people walk away and talk more about how “great” we are and how “impressed” they are with our skill and talent -- rather than talking about how great our God is Something is seriously wrong with the way we are ministering to people” Be able to complete the sentence.
68. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Five), “The point is that true, God-honoring praise require So much more than words” Be able to complete the sentence.
69. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Five), “True, God-honoring praise requires a heart that first has acknowledged its sinfulness and Need for Jesus alone to cleanse it from unrighteousness.” Be able to fill in the blanks.
70. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Five), “If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, my prayer for you is that your words would not merely be perfunctory acts of liturgy, but rather be authentic and heartfelt offerings of pure praise to God!” Be able to complete the sentence.
71. According to Dr. Gutierrez in Be Encouraged, what words teach that your work must be God-honoring and that which God has specifically called you?
72. According to Dr. Gutierrez in Be Encouraged, by learning to say “NO” you are showing a level of spiritual wisdom. True
73. According to Dr. Gutierrez in Be Encouraged, the rewards of your labor may not be visible today,…
74. According to Dr. Gutierrez in Be Encouraged, there has never been a more vital season to lavish continual encouragement to ministers because there has never been a more demanding season of ministry than we are experiencing today.
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