
Dumbest Generation Essay

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Dumbest Generation Essay
Welcome to the Dumbest Generation

Looking back on how technology has advanced over time there is no doubt that it has benefited recent years in many ways. But while technology has advanced knowledge has shrunk. Older generations complain how younger people are lacking in intelligence- and they are right. Technology has had a huge effect on people’s ability to learn, which has made this generation one of the dumbest.

Without a doubt, technology has made kids less concentrated in school or in work related areas. One reason is because phones are filling up with new games and social media sites that have no educational purpose. How are students supposed to learn when they are constantly distracted by devices? Not only that, but students become distracted when others around them are on phones. Distraction causes less focus and extra time spent on work that could be done. Kids are becoming so mesmerized by new technology they do not have time to listen and learn. But kids are not the only ones distracted by technology. There are numerous reports on how teens through adults are distracted by devices in vehicles. Being so
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Now that devices are remarkably useful, it is considered everyone’s main source of information. It is so simple and quick to find information that no one wants to go look through stacks of books anymore. With technology a click of a button shows the answer and nothing is learned. This is another reason why generations are lacking in knowledge. Everyone is so engaged in technology and all its advantages we do not spend time enriching knowledge. Technology makes it easy to take the shortcut. Why read about information that we can look up in less than a minute? Our generation definitely has more access to information but lacks knowing about the information. Needless to say, technology is making effort a huge key in why the dumbest generation is making an

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