
Discipline Is Not Child Abuse

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Discipline Is Not Child Abuse
Fatima Cabrera

Discipline is not Child Abuse

Child abuse is define as a physical, mental, or sexual mistreatment. Therefore, I do not believe discipline is child abuse. Discipline is simply a method of teaching children right from wrong. This method also teaches children to respect adults, and be responsible. The outcome of the discipline just depends on the approach a person takes.

When I say the outcome depends approach a person takes, I am stating that there are different types of discipline. A parent disciplining there child doesn't necessarily mean to beat them with an object, such as belts, rulers, or hangers, etc.. Discipline is also putting a child in 'time out', taking away there electronics, the tv, or anything that has a lot of value to them. As long as the discipline approach doesn't cause physical or mental damage to the child, the person is doing the right thing.
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For example, if a child disobeyed an adult by not doing as they are told, the parents might choose to take away there electronics. The child's parents might tell them that they will get it back in a couple of days, or just by apologizing. The child will learn that by talking back or disobeying an adult can make them end up without there electronics, the child will now know not to do it again. The child will grow up to be a respectful boy, it will be easier for him to get a job since he learned how to communicate to adults.

But when you "discipline" your children everyday even if they aren't doing anything wrong then that is when discipline becomes abuse. There are some cases where the parent hits there child and hurts them by accident, they didn't mean any harm, but when the child has burns, cuts, and bruises then that is when social workers get involved and investigate, which will led to taking away your

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