
Critical Issue: Is America Becoming More Unequal?

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Critical Issue: Is America Becoming More Unequal?
Patrika Anderson 9/7/11 African Diaspora/Edwards Critical Issue Report

The Issue: Is America becoming more unequal? Significance of the Issue: I ask how America is becoming more unequal, if she wasn’t equal to begin with. The great Karl Max said “America has always been unequal to and that it’s based off of the philosophy of “Capitalism”, which is an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange for wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporation, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth .So is America becoming more unequal the answer is yes? My next question is this a good or bad thing. I say it’s a bad thing because inequality is not fair at all. But then you have the people that say no to the issue because we have a black president, but I think that the dumbest answer I’ve ever heard. The fact that we have a black president doesn’t mean anything. It still doesn’t compensate for the lack of healthcare to the lower class or why they are raising taxes, or why racialism is still in effect, or politics. The world will and has always been divided based upon race. And that’s why I think this issue is important to me and my classmates. Findings:
Most people who believe that America is becoming more unequal is not a good prospect and causes the inequality of health outcome due to insufficient wages, a high ratio of high political office wages to lower working class wages and immature emphases of wealth to people less fortunate. James K. Galbraith of the Free Press says that “American citizens have grown, and now it is wider than at any other time since the Great Depression. It is so wide that it has come, once again, to threaten the social solidarity and stability of the country. It has come to undermine our sense of ourselves as a nation of equals. In this way, rising inequality presents a stark challenge to American national

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