
Coon Hunting

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Coon Hunting
Raccoon Hunting
One of my greatest adventure would have to of been when I went coon hunting with some friends.
It was a beautiful Saturday evening when I got the call, I didn’t know what to say at first but in the end I knew it was going to be a good idea. I decided to go along with them I got my spotlight and my .22 lever action and I was ready to go. When I got to their house they weren’t even ready to go, they were playing Madden 13 and didn’t look like they were going anywhere soon. After an hour of horrible calls (must have been replacement refs), a case of mountain dew, and a box of pizza we were ready to go.
As we headed out of town we saw a massive buck easily 26in wide and at least a 6 by 6. We really wished it was deer season because, we would have shot him, but sadly it wasn’t. So we continued down this road hoping we’d spot a raccoon running in the ditch alongside a corn field when all of a sudden a badger came out. We swerved and missed him but that badger was mad. He tried to chase our pickup down but we went to fast for him. After the badger we decided to go on a different road somewhere out in the middle of nowhere where nobody lived and had no livestock we could hurt.
We found this old house that was run down, I knew the guy that owned it so I called him and asked him if we could hunt on his land for some coons and he said sure, but don’t break anything. So, we got out of the pickup, adrenaline pumping, ready to go find some coons. We smelled the fresh fall air, heard the sounds of the wind rustle through the trees, and we knew it was going to be a good night.
We first tried the old barn when we opened the door we stopped and listened for a second, all we heard was the sound of nails scratching on the old boards. We looked left, we looked right; we looked up, and saw nothing. Then one of my friends felt something fury on his neck, he went up to grab it and it hissed at him. He about had to go back to town and get a new pair of pants,

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