One day, in the far away land of Olympia, lived two gods named Zeus and Poseidon. Zeus and Poseidon are brothers, but Poseidon prefers not to be seen by other mortals or gods. Therefore, he was already mad Zeus for bringing him to Olympia, but little did they both know that it was about to all go down hill. Just before Zeus pulled Poseidon out of the ocean, he saw a mortal girl named Ara. Ara is a very beautiful woman and most people are attracted to her. Besides the fact that Zeus has already had three affairs, he had to win over the heart of Ara. That leaves us where we are now with Zeus and Poseidon. Poseidon is now out of the ocean and refused to go into town. "Very well," sighed Zeus. They had a little walk along the beach side of the ocean when it happened! In unison, …show more content…
Just then Zeus plummeted beneath the earth all the way to the underworld. There to meet him, was his other brother named Hades. Hades was an evil spirit and loved to see people hate and loved to see people parish, but the most he wanted Zeus's lighting bolt. Without it, Zeus becomes powerless and weak allowing Hades to take over the overworld. "Hmm, seems we have an infestation." Hades scowled. "I'm not here to deal with you Hades." Even thought Zeus just wanted to leave, he knew he wasn't going to leave without some sort of fight. "Crack!" the crack in the earth seemed to be getting even larger than before. "On the second thought, I think you have enough on your hands. Have fun not dying!" Hades then flew away as a crow back to where he came from. Just then from up above Zeus heard an amazingly loud crashing sound. He looked up to see Poseidon's eyes burning into him and he walked away. Zeus climbed back up to the surface. He was alarmed at what he saw. Poseidon was angered to the point that when he stomped back to the ocean, the water began to