
Compare and Contrast Essay

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Compare and Contrast Essay
Compare and Contrast Essay
The story “Miss Brill” by Katherine Mansfield is about a woman who enjoys going into the park nearby her house and watches the people and surroundings; she imagines putting them into one big play. While another story, “The Yellow Wallpaper” is about a woman who can’t seem to get a hold of herself after finding out she has some sort of illness that forces her to take medicine every hour of the day. The two have some differences and some things in common. Miss Brill has a fun time seeing whatever is around her as one big play and sees the world as a fun and happy place wherever she goes. Miss Brill is a person who sees what is in front of her to be part of a big play that she is just imagining in her head. Miss Brill, due to her happy and cheerful attitude, has a hard time understanding what the difference between an illusion and reality. Miss Brill needs to know what she is thinking is different from what she is seeing. Miss Brill has gotten used to living in a fantasy world apart from her own. The woman in the Yellow Wallpaper seems to be trapped in a reality where all she can think about is the repugnant wallpaper in her patients` room and how much she despises it. The woman really hates the wallpaper`s presence and how there is some shadowy figure in her room, coming from that same wallpaper, mocking her. The woman thinks that the ``paint and paper look as if boys` school had used it`` (333) and this is what the wallpaper would have been described as the whole time she was in the same room with. The woman would think that she is just trapped in her own little world where the wallpaper is there to mock and ridicule her to no end. In conclusion, both Miss Brill and the woman are actually just trapped in their own little worlds where they can`t seem to get a hold of a sense of reality. Due to her doctor not taking care of her as a spouse before a patient, she doesn’t know what it feels like to be loved anymore. The woman just can`t

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