
Coddling Of The American Mind By Greg Lukianoff And Jonathan Haidt

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Coddling Of The American Mind By Greg Lukianoff And Jonathan Haidt
“Coddling of the American Mind”, written by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt, is an extensive article touching on the oversensitivity of college students and faculties in today’s society. They discuss these issues and the environment created by “protecting” college students from emotional discomfort while pointing out the negative effects of this particular mindset. In all reality, “coddling” the students is doing more harm than help. So after reading this article, I am truly convinced our generation needs to make a change within these schools by articulating a more open, understanding, and helpful atmosphere for our young adults. The authors also provide numerous evidence and truths throughout their dictation and voice, allowing the style of their report to have a more honest tone one can appreciate. Living in a fast-changing world, with the ever-growing technology, there is no wonder why the mindsets of the youngest generation are hindered. Instead, we should be setting …show more content…
Providing percentages from 2013 and 2014 mental-health surveys, the rate of emotional distress reported by students is proof that whatever changes are occurring might be more detrimental than beneficial. The constant use of “trigger warnings” and zero tolerance of microaggressions are teaching students the wrong ideas. Trigger warnings are what professors are to use when wanting to alert the class of material that might cause any emotional distraught and microaggressions are word choices that could be taken in the wrong way, although have no intentions of being malicious. For universities to enforce such policies shows the extent of the sensitivity within our young adults. College students are typical 18 years and older. Why must we indulge in overprotecting ones our society classifies as

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