
Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart

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Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart
The Downfall of Okonkwo
Chinua Achebe feels bad for Okonkwo despite the violent acts against women and children in Things Fall Apart. Achebe believes that while Okonkwo made many impulsive decisions, and his vaulting ambition to be a stronger and more successful man than his father, Unoka, ever was the reason for Okonkwo's suicide. Patrick C. Nnoromele writes in “The Plight of a Hero in Achebe’s Things Fall Apart” that the reason Okonkwo decides to take his own life is due to the role of heroism in the Igbo culture. While one may argue that that the role of heroism in Igbo culture ultimately drives Okonkwo to commit suicide, Okonkwo decides to take his own life when he realizes that he is weak and emotional just like his father because he can no longer receive the title "lord of the clan", and he can no longer inspire the warrior in all the Igbo men to fight against the European colonizers.
Patrick C. Nnoromele’s “The Plight of a Hero in
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Contrary to Nnoromele's beliefs, Okonkwo actually decides to end his own life because he realizes he has become like his father, weak and emotional. Nnoromele contends that the role of heroism in the Igbo culture warps Okonkwo's perception of what being a hero truly means and the consequences that follow result in his decision to end his life. It is evident that the real reason Okonkwo kills himself is because of his vision that he has become his father, which causes him to live a life full of the fear of failure. Okonkwo becomes more and more like his father throughout Things Fall Apart as he reveals his affection for his daughter and wife and lack of the motivation to work as hard as he once did. People of all cultures engrave into their minds that they must be the best at some competitive lifestyle, which has led to the suicides of many individuals similar to

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