Chapter 11: The First World War
Textbook: The Americans--2003
Section 1: World War I Begins --Jeannette Rankin: The first woman elected to Congress (U.S. House of Representatives)
a. Against WWI
A. Causes of WWI
--Many Americans wanted to stay out of the war.
--Historians cite four long-term causes of WWI
a. nationalism
b. imperialism
c. militarism
d. formation of a system of alliances
1. Nationalism--a devotion to the interests and culture of one's
a. led to rivalries among nations 1. many feared Germany’s growing power in Europe
--Various ethnic groups longed for their nations to become independent.
a. looked to larger nations for protection 1. Russia protected Slavic peoples a. …show more content…
Espionage and Sedition Acts:
--1917 Espionage Act
--1918 Sedition Act
Espionage and Sedition Acts: a person could be fined up to $10,000 and sentenced to 20 years in jail for interfering with the war effort or for saying anything disloyal, profane, or abusive about the government or the war effort.
a. violated the 1st Amendment
--2,000 prosecutions
--The acts targeted socialists and labor leaders
--sedition: rebellion against one's government--treason
Q: What impact did the Espionage and Sedition Acts have on free speech?
A: Led to thouasands of prosecution; people were fired from their jobs’ antiwar nespapers and magazines lost their mailing privleges
3. The Great Migration: the large-scale movement of hundreds of thousands of Southern Blacks to cities in the North.
--Several factors contributed to the tremendous increase in black migration.
a. sought to escape racial discrimination in the south
b. boll weevil infestations, aided by floods and droughts, had ruined much of the South’s cotton fields
c. job opportunities in the North
-racial prejudice also existed in the North
Q: How did the war open opportunities for African