The earlier the diagnosis, the better. If diagnosis goes unnoticed, athletes compensate for the pain by unknowingly altering the way they use their hands and wrist. For instance, a tennis player may hold the racquet a different way or change the rotating motions in their wrists to compensate for the discomfort they may be feeling. This unknowing change in hand and wrist use can lead to further problems in the arm and neck. The initial short term goals for CTS is to decrease the numbness and pain, and to decrease swelling and inflammation. These goals will be accomplished by placing the patient in a splint at 15 degrees extension. This position leaves the carpal tunnel in the most open position, thus allowing restoration of maximum circulation to the median nerve. The reduction of inflammation on the median nerve can be achieved by the use of NSAIDS, and modalities may also be used to relieve numbness and inflammation to the affected …show more content…
For the use of paraffin bath, contraindications for this treatment include: hypersensitivity to heat, cannot be applied to infections, rashes, and lesions or burns and new scars. As for the use of ice packs some contraindications to consider are open wounds and Raynaud’s Disease. Lastly, the contraindications for therapeutic ultrasound are vascular insufficiency, thrombophlebitis, pregnancy, pacemaker, malignancy, and infection. . If used properly these modalities will show much improvement and pain relief in a quick period of time activities. In addition to these modalities; rest, stretching, and exercises play a key role in a complete successful recovery. Rest is a major component when it comes to any injury. As for CTS abstaining from every activity that elicits pain is key to recovery. It’s simple, if it hurts, don’t do it. Although too much rest can have negative effects and complicate recovery. Resting too long can cause muscle loss and muscle stiffness. Once the pain and numbness has reduced one may continue onto stretching, and