
Bravery In Fahrenheit 451

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Bravery In Fahrenheit 451
Imagine yourself in a world, where there is nothing unique. Society is nothing like what it is right at this moment. In “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury, Guy Montag shows a lot of bravery in what he does. Not only does he show bravery, but his wife shows weakness in the story. I think that this is a good novel, because Guy and his wife, Mildred, show certain feelings in the book and it shows that everything isn’t always going to be perfect. Guy shows bravery and courage in the story multiple times. In the book Guy is a fireman. Not the kind of fireman that you and I would think of, but a fireman who actually starts fires and doesn’t put them out. What do they set on fire, you are probably wondering. Well, they set books on fire. Now, okay

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