
Atomic Bomb Dbq

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Atomic Bomb Dbq
Manti Te’o once said “Things happen. And good things happen, and bad things happen. And I'm a person - I'm a believer that everything happens for a reason”. When president Truman and his advisors made the decision to drop the atomic bomb, they thought it would end the war. The dropping of the atomic atomic bomb had many successful tactics. It created great peace for the US from the fact that it ended total war. After the US had lost millions to the war, it was ready to make a change to end all war. Good things did come from the atomic bomb, like the fact that it ended World War II. The amount of peace for the US got for dropping the bomb was significant. It kept peace with its allies all around the world balanced. When dropping the atomic …show more content…
The US refused to be defeated by the Japs, or surrender to them. With the info I gathered from an article called The Atlantic at Hiroshima, the atomic bomb killed about 80,000 people, pulverized about five square miles, and wrecked an additional ten square miles of the city, with decreasing damage out to seven or eight miles from the center. At Nagasaki the fatal casualties were 45,000 and the area wrecked was considerably smaller than at Hiroshima because of the configuration of the city. Although this was seen inhumane, this reduced the amount of Japs that the US had to fight off and also gave the US a kind of reputation as to say don’t mess with us. The explosion wiped out 90 percent of the city and immediately killed 80,000 people; tens of thousands more would later die of radiation exposure. After this first explosion just 3 days after, a second bomb went off in Nagasaki which ended up killing about 40,00 people. On August 15, Japan’s Emperor Hirohito announced his country’s surrender in World War II. This marked the end of World War II. It is clear how many see the atomic bomb as inhumane, but the fact that it gave the US many advantages made it a successful tragedy. The atomic bomb brought peace to the US, and ended total war. It changed war attacks for present day war. Most importantly the atomic bomb ended World War

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