In fact, he opposes death and life as two states of being. For Hamlet, living is a passive state because humans are over thinking and are not capable to take a strict decision. Otherwise, death is an active state because killing oneself is a way of taking action. So he complained humans and himself because they are not so brave as they wish. According to what he claimed, death is something desirable because humanity is not influenced anymore by the fear of living.
Therefore, this will is shared by Hamlet and Plato. They both discuss about death and give their own opinion. They agree with the comparison between death and act of sleeping. These conditions are similar, in the opinion of the authors, because of the lack of consciousness. As a consequence, men are attracted by a sense of curiosity and allurement, but these feelings are shared with two opposite reactions.
Hamlet compared the act of sleeping with death, but for Hamlet these states have two completely different consequences: when someone sleep, he/she can be bothered by his/her dreams and also by the thought of death. This reflection, contrary to the Plato’s believing, it’s a frightening thought because humans don’t know what they could expect after death and life could be worse than the previous one. Meanwhile Plato is fascinated by death and actually he wish he could join the other world as soon as