Ebola is a hot virus, meaning it is very dangerous, and lethally hot. It gets into your body in numerous different ways, therefore making it extremely hard to fight against. The diseased virus gets into your body and immediately starts eating all of your tissue. This results in body functions ceasing to work. Your liver shuts down completely, leaving toxic wastes floating around in your blood stream. Your blood starts losing and your kidneys swell up and harden, leaving a most miserable cutting pain in your stomach. Your belly swells, leaving you looking deformed and rotting. Your face muscles are being liquefied by the …show more content…
You board the plane, and sit right beside a young girl and her mother. Everyone on the plane has been infected by this virus that no one knows you have. It's been said that a deadly virus can travel through the entire world within two days once it gets into the travelling web. This virus has just entered the web. Everyone on this flight has been infected with the agent, and only time will tell if they will suffer from the effects of it or not. Ebola is an odd disease. It picks who it will destroy. There have been people emerged in the virus that was killing someone else, and come out without a scratch on them. The flight wears on, and you intercept turbulence. All the hot blood is shaken up in your stomach, and you feel the need to bring up liquid that should have been gone a long time ago. The flight attendant hands you an airsickness bag, you heave. The bag is filled up now, and there's more coming. You try to hold it in as you hand the flight attendant your bag that's starting to go soft from holding the contents of Ebola Zaire. The flight attendant also takes your second bag. You must have broken a blood vessel in your nose, because now your nose is bleeding uncoagulated blood. Your blood clotting