
Analysis Of Because I Could Not Stop For Death

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Analysis Of Because I Could Not Stop For Death
“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like” (“Forward Quotes”). Tzu explains how life is a long series of changes, ups and downs, and that people should accept the changes they face rather than resist and struggle against the path that was set for them. In Emily Dickinson’s “Because I Could not Stop for Death”, the speaker enters into a carriage with Death, heading towards their final resting place. Instead of seeing Death as an enemy, the speaker sees him as a friend, and gracefully accepts their death. Acceptance of an inevitable situation leads a person into the future with an open mind. The speaker’s …show more content…
The speaker of the poem gracefully accepts their inevitable situation of death, and heads into their future with an open mind. The speaker is picked up in a carriage by Death, driving slowly along. “Because I could not stop for Death\ He kindly stopped for me \...And I had put away\ My labor and my leisure too,\For His Civility” (Dickinson 1-8). The speaker describes Death as kind, and civil, therefore showing their acceptance in their inevitable situation of death. Death takes away the ones that people love, most of society today views death as evil, and depressing. The speaker doesn’t show these emotions, but sees Death’s actions as a favor, or a gift. Death stops by to collect the speaker, rather than the speaker having to stop for Death. The speaker sees Death as a welcome friend, rather than an enemy in their way. The speaker talks about Death as if he is their love, or the speaker has lost somebody that they love, and they look forward to seeing them when they go into their afterlife. The significant person that was lost could been seen if the speaker accepted their death rather than fought against it. Most of society sees death as a grim and sad idea, and often fight to stay alive, but the speaker of this poem doesn’t fight, they gracefully accept Death for coming, and goes

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