After his victory Alexander entered the Persian capitols of Susa and Persepolis and plundered all of the gold and treasures of the city. Not satisfied with his victory over Persia, Alexander continued to pursue the Persian king Darius the third only to find that he had been killed by one of his own men. This lead Alexander to turn east to India. Exhausted and weary of yet another battle, Alexanders men mutinied against him and forced him to retreat from India. Alexander had created one the biggest empires the world has seen, but unable to leave an heir, it fell just as quickly as it rose after his death at the age of 32. Some speculated that fever or excessive alcohol consumption lead to his death, others believe that he was poisoned. Weather he had plans for a world empire are unknown, but in his fathers final wishes he reported to tell Alexander to " expand your empire for the one I left you is not enough." Was Alexander really great? Alexander was a self proclaimed decedent of the Gods, claiming that he was related to Hercules. He was known to murder close Friends and advisers if they opposed his wishes and had a ferocious temper. By the end of his reign, Alexander has slaughtered thousand whose only crime was
After his victory Alexander entered the Persian capitols of Susa and Persepolis and plundered all of the gold and treasures of the city. Not satisfied with his victory over Persia, Alexander continued to pursue the Persian king Darius the third only to find that he had been killed by one of his own men. This lead Alexander to turn east to India. Exhausted and weary of yet another battle, Alexanders men mutinied against him and forced him to retreat from India. Alexander had created one the biggest empires the world has seen, but unable to leave an heir, it fell just as quickly as it rose after his death at the age of 32. Some speculated that fever or excessive alcohol consumption lead to his death, others believe that he was poisoned. Weather he had plans for a world empire are unknown, but in his fathers final wishes he reported to tell Alexander to " expand your empire for the one I left you is not enough." Was Alexander really great? Alexander was a self proclaimed decedent of the Gods, claiming that he was related to Hercules. He was known to murder close Friends and advisers if they opposed his wishes and had a ferocious temper. By the end of his reign, Alexander has slaughtered thousand whose only crime was