For example, in the third movie version we watched, as Rainsford was trying to escape from Zaroff, he was forced to cut his hand off. This part was repulsive, revolting and repelling, but also lame. The viewer feels pity as they watch a guy act terribly and even more pity for the director who incorporated this scene. Sometimes it is just better to leave things as they are, like the original story. Another example is how in the last version we watched, Zaroff actually mourns Ivan’s death. This totally and completely ruins the effect of Zaroff’s cruel personality. It confuses the viewer, since in the original version, Zaroff couldn’t care less about Ivan. There is concrete proof that an adaptation to a book can often become something hideous, just like in The Most Dangerous Game. If someone wants to make a good adaptation, many things should be taken into consideration. Some of these are: hire good actors, stick to the story, and don’t overdo the drama. Many directors are able to pull off adaptations. This original short novel was great, with lots of action and mystery. Then came along a few overconfident souls who decided they were good enough to remake Richard Connell’s
For example, in the third movie version we watched, as Rainsford was trying to escape from Zaroff, he was forced to cut his hand off. This part was repulsive, revolting and repelling, but also lame. The viewer feels pity as they watch a guy act terribly and even more pity for the director who incorporated this scene. Sometimes it is just better to leave things as they are, like the original story. Another example is how in the last version we watched, Zaroff actually mourns Ivan’s death. This totally and completely ruins the effect of Zaroff’s cruel personality. It confuses the viewer, since in the original version, Zaroff couldn’t care less about Ivan. There is concrete proof that an adaptation to a book can often become something hideous, just like in The Most Dangerous Game. If someone wants to make a good adaptation, many things should be taken into consideration. Some of these are: hire good actors, stick to the story, and don’t overdo the drama. Many directors are able to pull off adaptations. This original short novel was great, with lots of action and mystery. Then came along a few overconfident souls who decided they were good enough to remake Richard Connell’s