
Act Like A Girl Analysis

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Act Like A Girl Analysis
I had read an essay titled “Act Like A Girl” by Dominique Freeman. The essay explores the issue of gender roles in our society and families. Freeman tells her readers of events in her life when her mother would force ideas of what a girl should look like and act like upon her. Freeman considered herself a total tomboy, which is the opposite of what her mother wanted her daughter to be. I know of many cases when women are not being accepted as who they really are because they do not fit into the stereotype of a “woman.” I had the idea of getting a male’s perspective of the issue. I wanted to interview a male who has experienced similar experiences with not being accepted because he was not the stereotypical “man.” In our interview the other day, I asked you if you agreed or disagreed with this statement: “Every child, boy or girl, should have the right to his or her own self image, and should not have to live by some gender …show more content…

I felt it was necessary to ask you about your childhood. I wanted to know how you grew up and if there was any influences in your life pertaining to the topic of gender stereotypes. Growing up you said that you didn’t play with car toys, or ride motorcycle bikes, and wasn’t into sports. In Freeman’s essay she didn’t play with barbie dolls, or play tea party with the other little girls, and she loved playing basketball. When I asked you if you had played sports, you said no but you would play catch in the park with your dad. I am sorry to have heard that your father passed away when you were very young. I was surprised to hear that you do not think that your father passing away influenced you to be more in touch with your feelings. You have always been more in touch with your feelings even before that incident. Most people think that a boy’s father passing away will greatly influence the outcome of the son, emotionally and

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