
Achieve The American Dream In The Great Gatsby

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Achieve The American Dream In The Great Gatsby
Rafael Cruz once said, “Only in America can someone start with nothing and achieve the American Dream. That's the greatness of this country.” The American Dream was and still is a goal of many people today. It was originally created in 1931 by James Truslow Adams, who said that the dream was to live in a place where life was more fulfilling for not only yourself, but everyone else. Though many people follow this dream, others describe and create it to make it their own dream. The dream is now defined by who you are as a person, what you have been through, and ultimately what you want to achieve. The 1920s say otherwise; they define it by how much money, power, and fame you had, like in The Great Gatsby. And if it was that time period, Mr. Jay …show more content…
He had the money, the fame, and the power to make anything go his way.
Gatsby had always wanted money and ultimately received it. In the beginning, Gatsby had always dreamed of being rich. As stated in chapter 6, James Gatz had always dreamed of being a rich, powerful person, like he was the son of God. He had never accepted his parents as his parent because they were poor, unsuccessful farmers. So he left when he was 17 and ended up saving a man named Dan Cody from crashing into the coast. He ended up traveling his world with him for about five years, until Cody had died. Once Cody had died, Gatsby was supposed to receive a part of the inheritance that was left for him, but ended up being cheated out of it by Cody’s family (Fitzgerald). Therefore, Gatsby ended up in the drug business and sold alcohol during the prohibition act. In the 1920s alcohol was banned from being sold
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He had people over at his house partying all the time; even if, like most, were uninvited to that party. He even had famous singers and actors partying all the time at his house if they were in town. He also hired orchestras to play music at all of his parties; not little neighborhood bands but full blown orchestras that you would see in a theater for hundreds upon hundreds of dollars. You had to have some money and fame to get people like that to play at a party. Yet another way that you could tell that Gatsby had the fame was that everyone knew his name and at least one rumor about him (Gorman). To have everyone know your name is one thing in today’s society, but to have people just recognize one part of your name and have different rumors spread out about you is another. Just saying Gatsby’s name had peoples’ heads turning, spreading their fair share of rumors and theories about whom he was and where did he come from just made more excitement (The Demise). To have someone’s name flying out of peoples mouth faster than a racecar on its last lap, is true

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