
School Uniforms Dont Stop School in Violence Essay Example

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School Uniforms Dont Stop School in Violence Essay Example
What`s more, it`s still unproved to many that having Johnny wear a tie to school, and Susie a plaid skirt, will help them learn better. And critics of uniforms point out that most policies have been adopted at the elementary school level, which is not where the serious problems of violence and gang activity have flared. In fact, when uniforms were tried at Forestville High School in Prince George`s a few years ago, ``the kids rebelled,`` said guidance counselor Cecilia Smith, because ``it was going to take their individuality away.``


Amy Mitchell Wilson, Spring, 1998; Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal, Article: Public School Dress Codes: The Constitutional Debate // acs-VT2000

Although dress codes are increasing in popularity throughout the United States, educators do not uniformly agree upon the benefits produced by these regulations. There is no certainty that dress codes reduce school violence or improve academic achievement. Furthermore, strict dress codes, which school officials justify because they are aimed at preventing gang violence, have been adopted in several areas that do not have gang problems, undermining some school official`s justifications.


Amy Mitchell Wilson, Spring, 1998; Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal, Article: Public School Dress Codes: The Constitutional Debate // acs-VT2000

The arguments of uniform opponents are well summarized in a ``Point of View`` comment found on the Internet, written by Loren Siegel:

Are uniforms a good idea? The most concise response to this question is, nobody knows. The superintendent of the Long Beach School District claims that the district`s self-generated data showing decreases in certain forms of student misconduct is proof that uniforms work. But other steps to improve student behavior, like increasing the

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