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Written Interview with an Entrepreneur

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Written Interview with an Entrepreneur
Project in Economics IV
(Written interview with an entrepreneur)

Submitted By:
Pearl Leann Flores
IV- St. Paul
Submitted To:
Mr. Allan Waje

This dissertation would not have been possible without the guidance and the help of several individuals who in one way or another contributed and extended their valuable assistance in the preparation and completion of this interview.
First and foremost, my utmost gratitude to Mr. Allan Waje, our mentor in Economics, whose sincerity and encouragement I will never forget, for his kind concern and consideration regarding my academic requirements, for his unselfish and unfailing support as my dissertation adviser, for his patience and steadfast encouragement to complete this study;
To Mr. Pedro Flores, the interviewee for sharing his boundless learning about handling his business and for sparing his time to be interviewed;
Last but not the least, my family and the one above all of us, the omnipresent God, for answering my prayers for giving me the strength to plod on despite my constitution wanting to give up and throw in the towel, thank you so much Dear Lord.


Pyro’s Poultry Farm

Table of Contents: I. Personal Profile of Interviewee

II. Historical Background Of Business

III. Location of Business

IV. Marketing Strategy

V. Operational Plan of Business

VI. Sales and Stocks

VII. Profit Maximum Strategies

VIII. Characteristics of a Successful Entrepreneur

IX. Role of the entrepreneurs of the Economy

X. Incites Gained

I. Personal Profile Of interviewee
Name: Pedro Flores
Gender: Male
Age: 50
Civil Status: Married
Spouse: lenyda Estacio-Flores
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Address: #43 N Balingasa st, Balintawak, Quezon City
Place of birth: San Francisco, Cebu
Birth Date: July 12, 1960
Work: Business man Educational Attainment: Primary: San Francisco Elementary school
Secondary: Camotes Provincial High School Tertiary: Cebu Central College (2 yr. course in Marine Engineering) Philippine Navy, Armed Forces of the Philippines Course Graduated: Associate in Marine Engineering Passed the board for engine officer: 4th Engineer Officer

Skills * Good in mathematical skills * Excellent in playing tennis * Excellent in oral and written communication * Good skills in managing people and resources * Languages: Fluent in English, Filipino and Visayan language and could speak in French, Italian and Spanish.

II. Historical Background of Business
He started his business by getting an idea to his hobby which is cock fight. His father told him to have his business at Cebu for his father wanted him to be there for a while and also, his father had intended a huge property for him. His passion for roosters, pigs, and gave his family a brighter future inspired and motivates him to drive well his business as well. The said business was established last March 2010. III. Location of business
His business was located at the mountain side of Camotes Island. He assures that his business won’t affect any houses nearby. For his business is has to be cleaned every now and then.

IV. Marketing strategy
First, he makes a survey on what is the need of the people in that particular place. Then, he will make some samples on different houses and then he’ll negotiate to his buyers until they close into a deal. Afterwards, he promotes his products thru posting it into different websites and posting some stickers and putting some billboards near markets. He told me that his products are more affordable than other

sellers. He sells chickens, pigs and eggs at a affordable price but still earns profit into it. V. Operational plan
His business is open 24/7. From Monday’s to Saturday’s, he let his workers fed, and fed the pigs and the chickens and checks for the eggs and on Sunday’s he and his trusted worker work all day on the farm on the morning, his worker will handle the works while he attends to mass and on the afternoon, he will be the one to work on the other things which is to be done. With him, there are 3 employees he has.

For their salaries, each receives 2,000 pesos per month.

VI. Sales and stocks (law of supply and law of demand graph)
His major products are: pigs, eggs and chickens. Of which, pigs are delivered in 12’s, eggs are delivered in 50 trays, and chickens are delivered in 30 monthly.
Graph for Law of Demand

Graph for Law of Supply

VII. Profit maximum strategies
The strategies he does to increase his profit is mingling with others, attending parties on town and posting some advertisements around his vicinity. And buys some pigs from afar and sells it at a larger price.
He sells his product per kilo in pigs and chickens, for the eggs, he sells them according to sizes. Products come and go to his farm via truck which will be delivered 2 in the morning at the end of the month.
“There aren’t competitors near my place for this is near an island where my father and I own, and my place is too far from the other poultry owners. Though, I thought that that won’t work, now, I’m surprised to have my profits even higher.”

VIII. Characteristics of a successful entrepreneur
According to Mr. Flores, the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur are: * Friendly; * God- fearing; * Famous; * Humble; * Organized; * Responsible; * Hard-working ; * Industrious and; * Self- disciplined.

IX. Role of entrepreneur of the economy
“I think, the contribution of my business in our economy is we maintain our natural resources safe and making the trade industry higher. The more we commercialize the better. This will lead into a bigger and better trading industry and may help our economic crisis turn into economic rise.” -Mr. Flores

X. Incites gained
I learned that holding or engaging into a business is not a play thing. You must take care of it to make it a bloom. One must have a very long patience, and an organized plan, a clear decision for things may go well.

XI. Attachments

My dad and I after the interview

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