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Why Banning the Use of Cell Phones While Driving Should Be Mandatory Nationwide?

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Why Banning the Use of Cell Phones While Driving Should Be Mandatory Nationwide?
TITLE: Why Banning the Use of Cell Phones While Driving Should Be Mandatory Nationwide?
A. General Purpose: Persuade
B. Specific Purpose: Persuade my audience that banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide.
C. Central idea: Cell phones have reached extreme levels of popularity in the U.S. Everywhere you go, you can see people talking, texting, playing games or surfing on the Internet on their smart phones. But these devices become very dangerous when we are behind the wheel. Because using of cell phones while driving causes injuries, and even thousands of lives lost every day, the government should pass the law to ban using the cell phones while driving nationwide.

I. Introduction
A. An accident that caused by a distractive driver which ended up with injuries and 2 lives lost. How would you feel if one of them were your loved one?
B. Did you know using a mobile phone while driving can increase the risk of being involved in a road crash up to four times.
C. Today, I will convince you to pledge stop using cell phones while driving prove that the ban should be mandatory nationwide not only in some states.

II. Body of the Presentation
A. Distracted driving is becoming a national epidemic.
1. Distracted driving contributes to up to 8,000 crashes every single day
2. A driver's use of a cell phone up to 10 min before a crash is associated with a fourfold increased likelihood of crashing, and risk is raised irrespective of whether a hands-free device is used. Compared to drivers who do not use cell phones, drivers talking on cell phones miss twice as many traffic signals, are more likely to swerve into the next lane (46%), tailgate (23%), have close calls (18%), and run red lights (10%)

B. This epidemic has gotten to the point where lawmakers need to seriously consider how to stop accidents.
1. National Safety Council estimates that at least 1.6 million crashes each year involve drivers using cell phones and texting and drivers who use a cell phone – either handheld or hands-free – are four times more likely to be involved in a crash. 2. A majority of drivers – 94% – agree that texting or emailing while driving is unacceptable and 87% support laws against reading, typing or sending text messages or emails while driving, according to the AAA Foundation’s 2011 Traffic Safety Culture Index.

C. Several states have already passed laws restricting text messaging while driving and many require drivers use hands-free devices while talking on the phone.
1. Some states have bans for novice drivers, some states have bans for school bus drivers, public and commercial drivers, while some states have handheld bans for all drivers as a primary law.
2. Right now, only 9 U.S. states prohibit the use of hand-held devices to makes calls while driving. Washington D.C. and the U.S. Virgin Islands also have bans. No state or territory has an all-encompassing phone ban that includes hands-free devices as well. 35 states ban text messaging while driving, and 32 of those states have primary enforcement (drivers can be pulled over for that singular offense).
III. Conclusion: Distracted driving is the cause of thousands of preventable injuries each year and has cost many families the life of a loved one. You can start solving the problem by pledging to change your own behavior and drive distraction-free from now on and then sharing this pledge with friends and family.

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