
Who Is Responsible For Hamlet's Downfall

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Who Is Responsible For Hamlet's Downfall
C In “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare, the main character, Hamlet, has a tragic flaw that leads to his Downfall. S In the play, Hamlet Sr., the former King of Denmark, is murdered. His Brother, Claudius, takes the reigns of King and marries the late king’s wife, making him king. The former king’s ghost appears to young Hamlet and asks him to avenge his death. E1 Right after Hamlet and his company see King Hamlet’s ghost, Hamlet tells them, “Never to speak of this that you have seen, swear by my sword” (1.5.174-175). I1 After Hamlet went to see his late father’s ghost, he told everyone with him to never mention what they have seen to anyone. By making this mistake, Hamlet ruined his chance of having the current king, Claudius, trailed and jailed or executed for what he did. E2 After Hamlet had gotten himself up for killing Claudius once more, he …show more content…
Had Hamlet killed Claudius when he had the chance, the drama would have stopped there and no one would have had to know about it. E3 After Hamlet notices how good the players are, he says to himself, “I’ll have these players play something like the murder of my father…I’ll catch the conscience of the king” (2.2.623-635). I3 Hamlet, doubting himself again, is not sure whether the ghost he saw was his late father’s or a devil that took the shape of his father. He intended to find out and by doing this, it supported his downfall ever more. C All these reasons prove that Hamlet had many tragic flaws that led to his downfall. Hamlet is a weak person in general and was not never for a task like revenge. Hamlet kept on doubting himself and even went into other ideas like killing himself during the process. In today’s world, important people, like hamlet, do bad thing for many reasons and sometimes it leads to their downfall. The whole idea has gotten very sensitive for famous people because one flaw or fault, and some of these celebrities careers are

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