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What really makes us human? DNA? Or does it go beyond the nature and reflect how we are raised and what mannerism and languages we pick up
Character Analysis of Atticus Finch

Atticus Finch is the most honest and moral characters in “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. Throughout “To Kill a Mockingbird” we don’t see a change from Atticus throughout the book. In the next few paragraphs I am going to give you the overall view on Atticus Finch, I am also going to state how Atticus treats everyone equally, how he treats his children and the important lessons and things he’s taught his children Jem and Scout at a young age. In “To Kill a Mockingbird”, Atticus Finch is a lawyer. Atticus represents everything that someone working in a justice system should. He’s fair, doesn’t hold a grudge and he looks at every situation that he is given with the same point of view even if it’s big or small. One of the most important quotes of the book Miss. Maude by Harper Lee, “ Atticus Finch is the same in his house as he is on the streets” (87) and this could very well be said how he behaves in the courtroom. He is a skilled lawyer and without making outright assumptions he effectively points out that Bob Ewell is lying. The point of this character analysis is that Atticus is able to make hard accusations with a calm tone. For example Atticus is able to point out to the jury that there are a few black men, who are capable of crimes. Atticus has a true understanding of being equal and his colorblindness allowed him to see clearly that the case had been produced by racial hatred and he is strong enough, both as a person and lawyer to see that it is wrong to judge people by their color and it needs to be discussed and pointed out to the community. In “To Kill a Mockingbird”, Atticus is a father to Scout and Jem. It is very clear that Atticus is as much of a lawyer as a father, Atticus treated everyone the same even if they were his children, and he did not believe that anyone should be treated differently no matter color or age. Atticus questioned his own children how he would question a client, in his eyes they were no different. They deserved to be treated as adults even if they weren’t. As a parent in “To Kill a Mockingbird”, Atticus isn’t like other parents, he’s a lot older than other children’s parents. He’s very careful with what he’d like his children to know, he didn’t want them hearing a lie, if anything Atticus wanted Scout and Jem to know the truth at all times no matter what it was. Atticus provided Instruction in a way that makes Scout and Jem think about their actions. For example, he offers them difficult lessons in life and tells them, “shoot all the blue jays that you want, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird” (103). This lesson is not telling them that shooting things is good, but that there are some things that do live without giving things any harm and have a purpose on the earth. As a lawyer and man of his own words, Atticus notices the important things in life, he does take advantage of his well-known knowledge of things and he teaches Jem and Scout how to read at a very young age, he also teaches them about courage and strength when Mrs. Dubose dies, “I wanted you to see what courage is… it’s when you know you’re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and you see it through, no matter what” (116). Atticus does not just tell Scout and Jem things he thinks are important, he follows through with what he tells them and he lives his life accordingly to the lessons he teaches them. In the paragraphs ahead I have explained the different views on Atticus Finch, I’ve went over how Atticus treats everyone equally, how he treats his children and the important lessons and things he’s taught Jem and Scout at a young age. You’ve probably learned that Atticus sees the good in everyone and he is committed to making his children be treated like adults. In everyone point of view Atticus is a kind man who is fair and follows through with his word throughout “To Kill a Mockingbird”. This was an overall view on Atticus Finch.

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