
What It Means To Be An American Essay

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What It Means To Be An American Essay
Professor Ellsworth
American Government
8 September 2013
What It Means to Be An American If you surveyed one hundred people and asked them the question “What does it mean to be an American?” Chances are you would get one hundred different answers. There is no definite clear-cut definition of an American. To solve this burning question, a lot of information has to be brought forward to the public regarding what is means to represent the United States as a citizen of the country. If one truly wants to know what being a true American exemplifies then they must go to limits beyond their deepest thoughts imaginable to find their answer. Throughout my own personal experiences, I have concluded that no one has a concrete definition
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Whether you are in the comfort of your own home or on a road trip, advertisements are everywhere. Being an American means buying $100 jeans just to be considered cool or popular at school. Being an American means supporting the government and military in all of their actions, whatever they may be, and yet you get the label of being unpatriotic. Being an American means caring more about what the news has to say rather than what is actually happening around you in your own personal life. Being an American means worshipping celebrities and professional athletes that, often, have no other jobs besides being celebrities and professional athletes. Being an American means working all year to afford items you don't need. Being an American means consuming mass amounts of processed and fatty foods, rarely ever supporting local agriculture or simply making healthy food choices. Being an American means being at the highest risk of gun violence and heart disease in the world. Being an American means constantly degrading women because the mass media and music stars constantly do it so we assume that it is normal or acceptable. However, most of all, being an American means being absolutely complacent, unaware of or indifferent about, all of these issues and

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