
What Is The Difference Between The First Estate And The American Revolution

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What Is The Difference Between The First Estate And The American Revolution
In the late 1780s, France had a monarchy with 3 different social classes called estates. The First Estate consisted of the clergy. They owned 10% of the land when they were only 1% of the population. The Second Estate had the nobles, and they owned 20% of the land and paid no tax. Nobles counted for 2% of the population leaving the other 97% to the Third Estate. The Third Estate paid high taxes and lacked privileges. Half of their income was used to pay their taxes and they were starving due to the high bread cost. While the Third Estate was suffering, King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette threw extravagant parties and borrowed money to help with the American Revolution.

Meeting of the Estates-General

France was having a financial crisis,

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