
What Is Snowball's Ambition In Animal Farm

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What Is Snowball's Ambition In Animal Farm
In the satiric novel entitled Animal Farm by George Orwell, the character Snowball exemplifies Leon Trotsky, and leads the animals to rebel against Farmer Jones in order to attain freedom. However, the utopia that they willingly fought for was short lived and they are deceived by the pigs, in turn, they find themselves no better off than they started. The character Snowball is portrayed as ambitious, brilliant, and eloquent and he made sure that Animal farm was self sufficient. Without Snowball, Animal Farm would have not been able to prosper, after the expulsion of Farmer Jones. Snowball is full of ambition when the rebellion starts to take its course, because he heartily believes that Animalism could develop into something that all the …show more content…
This statement is proven when the book states, “Snowball, who had studied an old book of Julius Caesar's campaigns…”(13-14). This describes that Snowball is advancing his education in order to get a higher ranking on the farm. In addition, this also shows that Snowball knows that if he wants to terminate mankind he would have to obtain knowledge that would give Animal Farm an advantage in combat. likewise, Snowball wants to use more advanced technology to ensure an improved future for the animals. Snowball wants to create a windmill to meliorate the farm, “Within a few weeks Snowball’s plans for the windmill were fully worked out...with a piece of chalk gripped between the knuckles, of his trotters, he would move rapidly to and fro, drawing in line after line and uttering little whimpers of excitement,”(16). This exemplifies that Snowball’s main focus was was on ameliorating the animals living conditions, health, and overall lives. Otherwise, this shows that Snowball was excited to give the animals amenities that they would have never gotten if Jones was still in charge. All in all, if Snowball wasn’t driven to advance his knowledge the farm wouldn’t have been able to make it as far as it

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