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United States Declaration of Independence and New Government

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United States Declaration of Independence and New Government
Justin Chung
1. Jefferson wrote, "…That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…" Clearly describe three examples from any period of American History when Americans attempted to follow these words. The Revolutionary War is a clear example of rebellion against obstructive Governments. Another would be The Civil War, where republican southerners fought for their right to keep slaves. The Whiskey Rebellion was about farmers who disagreed with wisky taxation. These events represent times when people believed their governments were being unfair to them.
2. What do you think Jefferson meant by the following: "Prudence, indeed will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes…?" What might be some examples of light and transient causes in today's government? Explain.
Jefferson is trying to explain that although the new government is a radical change, there are foundations that must be unchanged by transparent issues. For example, citizens that have issues with widely accepted law and want unneccessary amendments should not be dealt with.
3. Jefferson wrote, "…But when a long train of abuses and usurpations … evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism…" What do some groups in today's society (Examples:militia men, Communist Party, skinheads) argue are the abuses and usurpations of today's government? Name some groups that fit into this classification. You are NOT limited to the groups listed as examples. Do you agree or disagree with their viewpoints? Explain. You need to describe the groups and explain the abuses and usurpations that they object to fully.
Americans are allowed to interpret their view on what freedoms they deserve with slight exceptions. With that freedom, some citizens choose to align themselves with philosophies that some would consider contemporary or outright offensive. For example, the Communist Party in the modern era is okay to be a part of. However in the past, during wars, people disagreed with their ideas. These groups can be seens as abusing their freedoms but in my opinion, they are allowed to do what they want.
4. Reread the list of grievances against King George III. Do any seem frivolous or repetitive? Explain. Were the colonies justified in declaring their independence? Explain.
The emphasis on independance from government is very justified. All complaints restrict people's lives unneedingly. These grievances range from regard to safety and irresponsible court judges. Unfair taxation and unprotected rights are fair arguements for severing ties to the British Empire.

5. Select the sentence or phrase from the Declaration of Independence that you feel is most important in its application to you as a citizen in today's society. Copy and paste it into your assignment followed with an explanation of why you selected it.

"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
I feel like my direction in life is in agreement with this exerpt from the Declaration of Independance. It is very open ended and that gives people freedom to choose their path in the United States.

Step 4: Post this assignment in the Unit 1 Homework Dropbox when completed. You will find it through the Content Tab on the Navigation Bar.

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