A. Laura Moscone, a Human Resource Director for a small firm, has to decide which applicant out of a set of finalists she should hire for an outside sales position; however, her firm’s policy includes Facebook postings of their private life in her decision making for hiring any applicant for the outside sales position.
B. 1. Should Laura hire Jack Friendly? 2. Should Laura disregard company policy? 3. Should Laura use Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other private sites used by people as a final decision? 4. Is it morally right for Laura’s company to use a collection of Internet information in all job searches? 5. Is it morally right for Laura not to hire the best qualified for the position, in spite of what he/she does in their private life outside of breaking the law?
C. The central ethical issue is more important than the other issues listed because if Jack Friendly meets all of the qualifications for the job of becoming an outside salesman for Laura’s company he should be hired. Each and every applicant should be viewed according to his/her qualifications, and not by what their Facebook status is because when the private side of their live is taken out of the equation, people only bring their qualifications for the job to the table making Laura’s job straight forward.
2. Research
1. http://www.forbes.com/sites/lisaquast/2012/05/28/social-media-passwords-and-the-hiring-process-privacy-and-other-legal-rights/ Social Media, Passwords, and the Hiring Process: Privacy and Other Legal Rights
This article is relevant because it shows how media coverage is still a hot topic and both state and federal bills are aimed at stopping employers from asking for applicant’s social media passwords. These bills were introduced in response to reports about companies, such as the one Laura Moscone, whose hiring practices are surrounded by a person’s social media.
Cited: 1. http://www.forbes.com/sites/lisaquast/2012/05/28/social-media-passwords-and-the-hiring-process-privacy-and-other-legal-rights/ 2. http://www.insurancethoughtleadership.com/index.php/site/insurance-law/social-media-and-hiring-practices/#axzz1yTbzZ83k 3. http://www.blogging4jobs.com/social-media/the-era-of-corporate-social-media-discrimination/ 4. Goree, Keith. Pearson Learning Solutions. 6.5 Boston, MA: 2011. Text Book