Number Six: Dietary Supplements for Treating Lupus
Simply supplying your body with the nutrients it craves can help greatly with pain relief, improving energy levels, and healing. The most beneficial supplements in fighting this disease are going to be calcium, folic acid, and omega-3. Calcium will help to strengthen your bones, which will greatly reduce your now-heightened risk for osteoporosis. Folic acid will help to regulate your blood pressure, …show more content…
Not only will it relieve stress, but it can also increase your metabolism and make your body more toned and flexible. In terms of treating lupus, yoga is a sort of physical therapy for the condition. Mainly, it will help you to restore you lost energy, improve your hindered mobility, and circulate your blood to relieve pain.
Number Three: Massage Therapy
Lupus can bring a lot of stress and physical pain with it, and massage therapy can help to relieve it. If you don’t much like medications, this could be the perfect solution for you. The best part is that massage therapists can allocate where the most pain stems from, and make it virtually unnoticeable.
Number Two: Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an exceptionally effective form of physical therapy, but it also offers some benefits you may not be aware of. Oddly enough, this practice has the ability to raise both white blood cell and red blood cell counts for those who have low levels. It will not only relieve pain, but also restore immune system strength by circulating blood flow and increasing energy.
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