
To Kill A Mockingbird How Do People Achieve Happiness

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To Kill A Mockingbird How Do People Achieve Happiness
How do people achieve happiness?
Many people wonder how do people achieve happiness? The answer to the question would be to show compassion. Next a harder question that most people would ask is why would people waste their time and money on a person when they could be buying stuff they “need” and make themselves “happy”. The answer to that question would be because if people want to be truly happy then they will have to be willing to show compassion and use their time making others happy and whenever they help somebody it makes them feel good about themselves and make themselves happy. One good deed can make somebody happy but doing a life full of good deeds is how you achieve happiness.
To begin with, the pocket Oxford American Thesaurus defines compassion as a “Fellow feeling, the emotion of caring concern”
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Jem Finch shows compassion by inviting Walter Cunningham over for lunch because he knew that Walter did not bring his lunch and knew that Walter would not take a quarter from miss Caroline because he could not pay it back and everyone knew that the Cunninghams did not take things that they could not pay back “Jem suddenly grinned at him. “Come on home to dinner with us, Walter,” he said. “We’d be glad to have you.”( “To Kill a Mockingbird”). Atticus Finch showed compassion by standing up for Tom Robinson during his trial and tried to get the juries and the judge to see that Tom was being charged with a false accusation. Atticus showed compassion to Helen Robinson by providing her with updates on the trial and would see if he could do anything to help her. “Boo” Radley shows compassion when he comes out of hiding and saves Scout and Jem from Mr.Ewell when he attacks them and breaks Jem’s

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