
tiger woods vs tom

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tiger woods vs tom
Being lead by temptation affects not just one person but others. Temptation, arrogance, and lies lead to pain. People who are usually tempted by the love of another woman tend to destroy all things around them. Scandals and cheating usually does not turn out well; Tom from The Great Gatsby and Tiger Woods both experienced this. Although Tom was a fictional character and Tiger Woods lived this first hand, Tom would be able to relate to the regret that Tiger now feels if Tom was not just a character playing a role in a novel. Tom and Tiger Woods are a lot alike and it goes deeper than what meets the eye. Everybody might see the relation between Tom and Tiger both cheating, but people might not take the time to think about what kind of person cheats and what cheating does. Both Tom and Tiger Woods had an affair while they were married and that shows what kind of character both of them have. But the fact that they both made the women they cheated with feel like they were the most important thing to them also sheds light into their character. Character that is full of deceit and dishonesty, and the affair may last for a short time but when the news gets out then the overall destruction begins.
Destruction of not just their own lives, but the lives of the people that are around them. For Tiger Woods when the news of his affair came out many people of the world were shocked, and surprised. People couldn’t believe that the golf superstar with the squeaky clean image could have went outside of his marriage and cheated on his wife. That was bad enough that he had an affair, but when the rest of the story unfolded and people learned that Tiger had cheated with not just one woman but multiple women people were just astonished. After the scandal broke the destruction began, Tiger Woods lost this image that he had obtained over the years by being in the public eye and just seeming like Mr. Perfect. Not only did he loose his image but he lost millions of dollars he lost one

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