
The Nazis Stripped Eliezer: The Dehumanization Of The Jews

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The Nazis Stripped Eliezer: The Dehumanization Of The Jews
To be human is to have personality, unique characteristics, and freedom. The Nazis stripped Eliezer, his father, and other Jews of all these qualities. These people had families, owned businesses, and had values. Dehumanization is the process by which the Nazis turned Jews from people to piles of ashes. The Nazis physically, mentally, and spiritually reduced the Jews to nothing. Two of the things the Nazis did to dehumanize the Jews was cut their hair and take away their names. The first example of dehumanization was when they cut their hair. When Elie first arrives at Auschwitz, he is sent to the barbers. “They took our hair with clippers, and shaved off all the hair on our bodies”(33). The Nazis cut their hair for many reasons. One reason

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