
Th Narrative of Fredrick Douglass Analysis

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Th Narrative of Fredrick Douglass Analysis
Early in the 1800’s American History, there were two different economical and cultural activities. The north created the industrial economy and the south depended on agricultural plantation. The development of textile industries in the north and in Europe led the high demand of cotton production and then slavery became more important source of manpower to the southerners. While the northern believe slavery as immoral and non-religious act to be abolished, Christianity in Southern America was wrongly defined to legalize the establishment and extension of slavery and a protector for the slaveholders’ inhumane practices. The slaveholders in the South forged the biblical fact that Ham was cursed and thus he should serve his brothers. They give the wrong impression about the curse had to do with skin color which made the descendants of Canaan were black, and that they settled in Africa and imported to American slavery.
Fredrick Douglas in the Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, an American Slave clearly exposes and argues the south slave holders’ wrong definition of Christianity and biblical teaching in the way that favors the institution of slavery as a given from GOD as “the white man’s power to enslave the Blackman.” (364) As Douglas clearly explains the misinterpretation of biblical “God cursed Ham” (342) theology, he challenges that “[even] if the lineal descendants of Ham are alone to be scripturally” to be considered the black race and be enslaved, “the slavery of the south” that constitutes the “different-looking class of people “(342) of the mixture of black and white (like Douglass himself) is “unscriptural” (342) to be enslaved and should be free from slavery.
In the narrative, Douglass portrays different characters as evidences to testify against slaveholders’ purposely dissimulated Christianity teaching in order to enslave and treat blacks inhumanely. He uses Mrs. Auld’s character in the theme as an example to represent how the influence of false

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