
Steps Of The Odyssey In Homer's Odyssey

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Steps Of The Odyssey In Homer's Odyssey
The third step of the Odyssey is meeting the mentor, Odysseus does this when he meets and is helped by Athena. Athena, the Goddess of wisdom, and becomes Odysseus mentor. She help Odysseus, even though she is not supposed to. Athena helps Odysseus by pleading with the gods so that he could go home. She tells him how to get through certain dangerous situations and leads him to King Alcinous.
The next step in Odysseus’s journey is crossing the threshold. After the war, the gods are angry at the Greeks because of their overly prideful ways and for violating Cassandra, the daughter of King Priam, in Athena’s Temple. This caused the gods to throw them off course and destroy many of their ships. This also happens when Odysseus’s men open the bag of winds blowing them back to Aeolian Island and when Odysseus and his men’s ship is destroyed and Odysseus drifts to the Ogygian Island.
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On his travels Odysseus meets many enemies, the most notable include the Lotus eaters, the Laestrygonians, Polyphemus, Scylla & Charybdis. Some of Odysseus’s allies would include Athena, Ino, Hermes, Calypso and Circe. Each helped him in their own way.
The sixth step in Odysseus’s journey is approach, when Odysseus and his men nearly make it home to Ithaca. However his crew opens up a bag of wind, from Aeolus, and they are blown back to the Aeolian Island. Aeolus does not help him again leaving them to find a new way

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