
Spread Of Buddhism In China Dbq Analysis

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Spread Of Buddhism In China Dbq Analysis
The Spread of Buddhism in China

Buddhism was founded in India, and after the fall of the Han dynasty in 220 C.E. it gained many converts in China. While Buddhism was spreading there were different views towards it; some people wanted Buddhism to spread and be the main religion, some were against it, and still others were religiously tolerant but liked the idea of Buddhism.
Many people supported the spread of Buddhism in China. “The Four Noble Truths” were the guidelines of Buddhism. These truths, stated in Document 1, explain sorrow, how it arises, and how to stop it. Buddha is said to have written this himself. Many people looked to these truths as their guidelines. Those supported Buddhism because they were they guidelines for Buddhism
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In Document 3 a Chinese scholar contradicts himself, his questions are against Buddhism but his answers are for. The questions are showing his arguments against Buddhism’s spread but the answers are giving the reasons why it should spread. It is almost like pros and cons. The last question in his first series asks: “Can the writings of the Buddha exceed the Classics and commentaries and beautify the accomplishments of the sages?” Then as an answer he compares Confucianism and Buddhism saying “To compare the sages to Buddha would be like comparing a white deer to a unicorn” obviously stating that Buddhism is the better of the two religions. So he must accept Buddhism’s spread but wouldn’t mind having Confucianism and Daoism as other religions in the country. In Document 5 Zong Mi, a Buddhist scholar, is for Buddhism but doesn’t disagree with the teachings of Confucianism or Daoism. He says that “Confucius, Laozi, and Buddha were all perfect sages,” which shows his tolerance for the other religions. He explains how these “sages” based their teachings on different people’s and the needs of the age. Zong Mi says “the sages” used different approaches to the peoples but they all encourage good deeds being perfected, the punishment of wicked deeds, and reward for good ones. He likes the idea of Buddhism but, like the Chinese scholar in Document 3, has no problem with other religions. They all kept order in the society at the time and should be respected in his

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