
Social Science Essay

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Social Science Essay
Most of the things we know about human´s behaviour has come out because of the different psychological theories. We may question why there are so many different psychological perspectives, which one is right and which one is wrong. Most Psychologists nowadays would say that none of the theories are correct. However, in the early days, the Psychologists would agree that all the theories were the only truly scientific one.
Psychology is a science dedicated to the study of our mind and behaviour. There are different ways of understanding the human mind and behaviour, those ways are called perspectives. A perspective is basically a point of view or a way of considering how some things are linked together and their importance.
Sigmund Freud known as the father of psychoanalysis was a famous physiologist, medical doctor and an influential thinker of the early twenties. Freud was the one who created a new method to understand the human personality. He had one of the most provocative minds of the last century.
Freud was the one that improved the theory of psychodynamic psychology and the famous treatment known as psychoanalysis. Freud was one of the most brilliant thinkers in the last century, he brought public attention by his ideas of we usually are not conscious of the aspects of ourselves. He believed that what people are conscious of is symbolized in our minds, memories and feelings. Freud believed that the things we experienced in the past are part of our mind that he called the unconscious. However, we are not able to access the contents in our unconscious, they often appear in our dreams. Freud described the unconscious mind has an iceberg where only a very small part of it is accessible to awareness. The part of the unconscious that he believed it can be accessed very easily he named the pre-conscious.

The importance of an early experience is evidently illustrated by Freud’s development theory of psychosexual development.

References: “Health and social care level 3, M. Stretch and M. Whitehouse, First published 2010”

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