What is Sleep Deprivation?
A sleep disorder characterized by having too little sleep, can be chronic or acute. Long – term sleep deprivation (lasts four days or longer) is quite uncomfortable. Effects:
-Health ; in form of physical & mental impairment, impairs our ability to think, handle stress, maintain a healthy immune system and moderate emotions. •Depression
•Heart Disease
•Slower reaction times
•Slurred speech
•Weight Change (Fatigue)
Sleep deprivation can be a fatal at times to and can cause death
Why we Sleep?
One main function of sleep is to provide a time-out period ; body can eliminate waste products from muscles and repair cells, strengthen immune system, recover physical abilities lost during day.
Without sleep our bodies react abnormally.
Rapid Eye Movement (REM)
What is REM? Sleep periods characterized by quick eye movements, loss of muscle tone, and dreaming. The REM periods last from a few minutes to as long as an hour, averaging about 20 mins length.:
•Breakthrough occurred in the laboratory; by Nathaniel Kleitman.
•He had given one of his grad students, Eugene Aserinsky, a task of finding out whether the slow, rolling eye movements that characterize the onset of sleep continue throughout the night.
•They did rapidly
•William Dement were then able to correlate the REM of sleepers with changes in brain-wave patterns.
•When you first climb into bed, close your eyes and relax, your brain bursts of alpha waves.
•Gradually, these waves slow down further, and you drift into the land of nod, passing through 4 stages, each one deeper then the other. Sources