
Slave Code Dbq

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Slave Code Dbq
The slave codes written in Virginia had multiple effects on the slave sale of 1846 as witnessed by Dr. Elwood Harvey. The slave codes are a list of laws that applied to slaves, and how they were allowed to be treated. These laws were put to use in many instances such as the slave sale of 1846.
In the Slave Sale of 1846 multiple laws were being put to use such as slaves are property, indenture servants became slaves, imported non-Christians servants will be slaves(mixed race), and slaves needed written permission to leave their estate. The first major event that had an effect was indentured servants becoming slaves. It states, “ The black indentured servant, with his hope of freedom, was increasingly being replaced by the black slave.” This
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This law had an effect on the slave sale in 1846 because slaves were being bought and sold just like any other merchandise. People were bidding for the slaves just like they would for a manufactured product. The text states, “slaves sold at a public auction.” This shows that slaves were being bought and sold. The law was put into use in many slave sales such as this one. Another law in Virginia’s code for slaves was that “slaves needed written permission to leave their plantation.” Slaves couldn’t leave without written permission from their owners. If they left without permission their master would hunt them down and severely punish them. This didn’t have an effect on the slave sale but on Dr. Elwood Harvey’s carriage driver. He was a slave, and he needed written consent for him to leave the estate. He says, that “he obtained a promise that they should not be sold.” This shows that slaves had to confirm with their owner before leaving, and they also had to live in constant fear of being sold to the south.
In conclusion, the slave sale of 1846 and many others were affected by Virginia’s code for slavery. Laws such as slaves being property impacted many peoples’ lives for many

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