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Sin to Kill a Mockingbird

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Sin to Kill a Mockingbird
Sin to Kill a Mockingbird
It is a sin to hurt the ones that only help the helpless and only do good things for the world. In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, a young girl named Scout Finch goes on many adventures with her older brother, Jem. They lived in Maycomb County in the mid 1930s. They deal with visits from their best friend, Dill, trouble with the town’s biggest trial and missions to get their neighbor, Boo Radley, out of his house for the first time in years. At the time, Atticus, their father, was the best lawyer in town and he had new case. He had to defend a black man that was accused of raping a white woman. His name was Tom Robinson and this trial became the talk of the town. This affected Scout and Jem greatly and created one of their longest journeys. The most important theme in To Kill a Mockingbird is the sin to kill a mockingbird. The mockingbirds in this novel are Atticus, Tom Robinson and Boo Radley. They affected them gravely and were important characters in the novel.
Atticus is portrayed as a mockingbird throughout the book. Atticus Finch was one of the best lawyers in town and he was good father to Jem and Scout. He teaches them to appreciate everything they have and to never judge or treat someone differently because of who they are. He also taught his children to not judge someone until they walk around that person’s skin. This character is just like a bird in real life where they only . Atticus is a peaceful man and kind. He's always there to help the helpless and innocent. In the middle of To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus was introduced to his new case with Tom Robinson . The people of Maycomb are expecting Atticus to not even try but he is not backing down. He knows that Tom is innocent but that doesn't change anything and Tom will still be guilty because of the color of his skin. Atticus was determined to defend Tom the best he could. He was an honest man and would always do the right thing. It would be a sin to have anything ever happened to Atticus because all he has ever done is help. Atticus still had to face these sins. He was judged for defending Tom and was called “nigger-lover” throughout town. He did not deserve to have people to treat him differently because of the trial. Atticus did not do anything to deserve that treatment. Atticus is surely a mockingbird in this book.
Another mockingbird is Tom Robinson. Tom was a kind and gracious man to every living thing. He was a helpless and harmless human being. Even when he was young he was helpless in some things because of his crippled arm. He was a black man who had a normal life before the towns biggest trial. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Tom was accused of raping a white woman. He was really innocent in the end but it didn’t matter because of the color he was. He didn’t do anything wrong and it was just that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. That day of the supposed rape, Tom was walking home the way he does everyday. He always crosses the town’s most disgraceful household’s lawn. This family were the Ewells. The family was made up of five young children, an older sister named Mayella that did everything in the house and a drunk for a father. Tom wanted to help out with anything he could and he felt bad for Mayella. In the end, Mayella tried to kiss Tom after he helped her and then her father, Bob Ewell, saw what was happening through the window. This mockingbird went through so much during the trial and he almost had a chance but he was still guilty. Tom lost all hope but Atticus wasn’t giving up. He was then moved to another jail for safe keeping and there he was killed. He tried to climb the fence but he knew he wasn’t going to make it. It was a true sin to kill Tom Robinson. He was an innocent man. This mockingbird greatly affected the novel To Kill a Mockingbird.
The last mockingbird is Boo Radley. He was always the topic in Scout and Jem’s heads throughout their childhood and changed their life completely, some ways more than others. Boo was always known as the strange, creepy neighbor that had stories floating all around about him. He stayed inside for most of his life and never came out once. People thought he was evil and everything that involved him was poisonous and deadly. Boo was actually a very caring man. He watched Jem and Scout grow up from his front window. He would also leave them presents in a nearby tree hole. One night Scout and Jem were walking home and Bob Ewell attacked them. Boo came to the rescue and killed Bob. The sheriff of Maycomb, Heck Tate, knew that if people really knew that Boo saved the children, Boo wouldn’t know what to do. Heck Tate just told everyone that Bob Ewell fell on his knife. Scout finds out in that moment that it would be a sin to put Boo in the spotlight. He would be comfortable for him and he actually like to stay in. He was never the villain, he was the hero. It would be a sin to put this mockingbird in the spotlight of everything.
The theme of To Kill a Mockingbird is the “sin to kill a mockingbird.” It was sin to put those characters in those situations. For example, Atticus having to deal with the trial, Tom having to die an innocent man and Boo Radley having to be in the spotlight of the town. These mockingbirds changed the novel To Kill a Mockingbird greatly. They were the heroes of the book and all did was good. Without them, the book would be nonexistent. They create they stories, adventures, and lessons that need to be taught. In conclusion, Atticus, Tom Robinson,and Boo Radley were the mockingbirds in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.

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