a negative thing. Saltwater intrusion is something that happens when saline water transitions into freshwater, which can sometimes contaminate the freshwater and disturb the ecosystem.
Small variations in salinity can make a monumental difference on the water cycle and the ocean circulation. Trouble can also arise when saltwater gets transferred onto the earth. That can damage the soil and wreck habitats! There are two types of salinity, primary and secondary salinity. Primary salinity is when water or soil naturally has a high amount of salt in it, like in a salt lake. Secondary salinity is caused by humans. It can be caused by clearing too much land, which makes the groundwater rise to the surface and the salts inside dissolve into the soil.Secondary salinity has two main forms of which it happens. The first is dry land salinity; when more water enters the groundwater than is taken out, so it can enter vegetation on land and become absorbed by the soil. There is also Irrigation salinity; (Irrigation is the act of flowing water over crops to nourish them), salts can collect in the topsoil under the irrigation. Too much irrigation or poor water are the main causes of