
Romeo And Juliet Free Will Essay

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Romeo And Juliet Free Will Essay
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare displays how true love can end because of fate. In the story, Romeo and Juliet fall in love at first sight even though they are a part of two different families involved in a feud. Over time, Romeo found himself in a terrible situation and believed that Juliet was dead. Out of grief and sadness, Romeo kills himself just so Juliet can wake up to a dead a Romeo and actually dying this time by killing herself. Many believe that free will is the reason why this tragedy happens; however, fate is undeniably the cause of the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.

Romeo and Juliet's tragedy was clearly not free will, but is fate. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet shows so many examples of fate in the story.
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In this article it states that “The tragedy overwhelming the lovers is brought about not by error on their part but by circumstances outside their control by what is to them external accident ”(Moulton Web). This quote discusses that the death of Romeo and Juliet isn't their fault it's something they wouldn’t have been able to stop. Also in this article the author mentions that “For those who care to look for it may be seen a providence of retribution: evil has brought forth even where the feud of the parents has caused the death of the children”(Moulton Web).This quote talks about how in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet if the two families were not feuding then Romeo and Juliet would not be dead. If there was no feuding then Romeo and Juliet would not had have to marry in secret. These two characters could have been happily married. Overall these quotation and this article helps prove that fate killed Romeo and Juliet.

In conclusion Romeo and Juliet tragedy was a result of fate and this research paper proves it. This is displayed through the sources I provided and the play The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Some might say the ending is a result of free will but fate unquestionably the reason for the play's ending. There are many key events in the story that are out of Juliet's and Romeo's control which concludes to fate being the cause of their

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