
Rhetorical Analysis Of Martin Luther King Jr

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Rhetorical Analysis Of Martin Luther King Jr
Throughout our nation’s history, African Americans are consistently and involuntary forced to stand as an omnipresent representation of inferiority. Starved of a Negro consensus, white men—mostly European—began persecuting them and exalting their supposed mediocrity. Hundreds of years after this tenet hit America, an exceedingly astute preacher named Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. exemplified himself as the backbone of the Civil Rights Movement in the mid-1900s. Notwithstanding the omnipotent fear plaguing the Negro community, Dr. King apprehends the vindictiveness of classifying the black men and women as inferior and engenders a movement. One hundred years after the passing of the Emancipation Proclamation, Negros still encountered perilous suppression. …show more content…
King to valiantly speak out to the MIA members at the first mass meeting of the Montgomery Improvement Association about Parks’ arrest, as well as the discriminatory circumstances in general. In Montgomery, Alabama of 1953, “M.I.A”—though devoid of chief rhetoric devices—embarks on the first stride towards equality amid the blacks and whites in the United States of America. King’s primary motive behind this speech is to comprehend that “there comes a time when people get tired of being trampled over by the iron feet of oppression” (MLK 9). Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. presents this guileless statement to vindicate the necessity of a social alteration. With the guidance of logos, ethos, and metaphor, the declaration at hand becomes incontrovertible. The white men’s “iron feet of oppression” will reasonably and morally become too demoralizing for a single person to bear, thus, the weariness is inevitable. In addition, it is unanimously recognized by the Negro community that when the Civil Rights Movement is taught in the future, “somebody will have to say, ‘There lived a race of [black] people (…) who had the moral courage to stand up for their rights’” (12). Although Dr. King lacks any solid literary device, he implements his application to pathos, due to the sense of hubris that can be gained from altering history for the better. The unadulterated determination to flourish in an equal civilization, as well as supplement the future history books with a major Negro uprising was enough to initiate the social revolution—and King was well aware of this. In order to solidify the call for action, King persuades the audience that “there comes a time when people get tired of being pushed out of the glittering sunlight of life’s July (…) and left standing amid the piercing chill of November” (9). Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was able to motivate his listeners through the brilliant use of

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