and they should never be forgotten." Correspondingly in "Remembering the Day of Infamy," Edward Wentzlaff says, "It's sad, you can't lose men and people of your friendship and not let it bother you." These two are almost exactly alike both of these people are saying how it is hard fro them to think of the day that killed lots of their friends.
It is a day that all survivors will remember. It is a moment that will stick with someone that experienced it forever. Although between these two texts there are also some differences. Seems Like Yesterday is specifically talking about one man that died by one of his best friends. In "Remembering the Day of Infamy" is about multiple survivors remembering a tragic day. Although both are remembering a tragic day, "Remembering the Day of Infamy is about the sunken ship Arizona that was hit by an aromor piercing and as in "Seems Like Yesterday," it was after Breakfast. In "Remembering the Day of Infamy" it states, "the survivors of the Arizona." This shows that one is about the Arizona and the other is about after one general moment after eating breakfast. Another difference is "Remembering a Day of Infamy" is about the Pearl Harbor MEmorial as in "Seems Like Yesterday" is about a ceremony. "Seems Like Yesterday" states, " You wouldn't describe it as a ceremony." He says this because a ceremony is usually something that is not this sad, such as a ceremony to remember a marriage
but to remember a lost friend of yours is melancholy. In "Remembering the Day of Infamy," it states, "Pearl Harbor Memorial is hwere the survivors of the Arizona gathered." It is just heartbreaking to think about the pain they went through being at the memorial or the ceremony.
In these two articles there were mamy similarities and differences such as the man at the ceremony and the man at the memorial saying it is heartbraking to remember all the friendships you had with these people or peoples and them being broken up and not let it bother you. Differences include the place it takes place and the specific people that died. In "Seems Like Yesterday," it is about Armando Galella remembring his friend, neighbor, hero. As opposed to "Remembering the Day of Infamy" is about multiple remembering the lost ones in the horrific bomb that penetrated the sunken ship Arizona.