
Rebellion Against The British In The 1700s

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Rebellion Against The British In The 1700s
Rebellion Against the British
In the 1700s there was growing anger with the British because of the taxes being raised. They passed acts that included the Currency Act and the Stamp Act. The colonists were justified in rebelling against the British government because the colonies had multiple problems with the British rule. The colonies believed that the government was taxing them unfairly and they didn’t like the fact that one family was running the government, and the government was not giving them they natural rights they deserved.

The colonies believed the government was taxing them without representation. The British rule and Parliament raised taxes on sugar, trade, tea, and legal documents. In 1765, the Stamp Act forced colonists to pay taxes on legal documents and trade documents. Also, they were taxing them for playing cards, reading books and newspapers. The colonists called for “ no taxation without representation”. After the French and
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John Locke argued that everyone was born with key natural rights. These natural rights could not be given or be taken away by government. The natural rights were life, liberty, and property. The royal governor Sir Edmund Andros decided to pass laws that threatened colonists rights to property, to govern him or herself, and to worship freely. These laws violated the natural rights and the early document called the “Magna Carta”. The British government violated these documents, many people just agreed with Britain so they wouldn’t start any more problems.

The colonists had many justifications for declaring independence, including the British taxes they considered to be unfair and their beliefs that one family shouldn’t run the government, and the government was not giving them they natural rights they deserved. Although the colonists had a lot to lose by declaring independence, they had much more to gain if they were

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