
Reaction Paper About Immaculee's Life

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Reaction Paper About Immaculee's Life
Immaculee has experience a lot of events throughout her life, like the death of her family. I have also experienced events in my life that can relate to her life. We have both experienced a connection with God, striving for academic success, and the relationship with our family. Immaculee says "I don't know where I got the strength to say such things, since I was terrified and completely unsure if we'd survive. But I had to have faith that God would help us; otherwise, why would we endure all the suffering, anguish, and betrayal” (Ilibagiza 60). This is the first time Immaculee calls on God to giver her strength, she had to pray and keep her faith and after this she connected with God more and more. Immaculee has gone through a lot during her life, but there are ways that I can relate to her like academically, prayerfully, and through family.
During the first part of the book, Immaculee strived for academic greatness to please her parents. Her parents worked very hard to send her to school, and she wanted to prove to her parents that she could get a scholarship. I also want to please my parents and prove that I am just as smart as my other
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I can relate to this experience because the first time I experienced death last year, I felt like I was stuck. During this time I grew very close to God, just like Immaculee did. I started praying every day, one prayer in the morning and one at night. Although I did not pray nearly as much as Immaculee, I prayed more than I had ever prayed before in my life. God blinded the killers from seeing Immaculee and the other girls, and I feel as though God blinded me from feeling sorrow because I felt glad, I knew she was in a better place. Immaculee survived when killers were calling her name and managed to rely on God through it all, I managed to rely on God through my hardship

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