Once a disaster is declared, then the disaster is classified according to the level of response needed to cope with the situation. This incident is declared a Level I disaster according to the local community disaster plan.
1. Which action is included when a Level I disaster is declared?
All local hospitals prepare to receive casualties.
Classification as a Level I disaster indicates that local emergency response personnel and organizations can contain and effectively manage the disaster and its aftermath.
Disasters are categorized into three levels, namely minor, major, and catastrophic disasters.
Minor Disaster (Level I): A disaster that falls within the response capabilities of local government and requires minimal state or federal assistance.
Major Disaster (Level II): A disaster that exceeds local government capabilities and requires a broad range of state and federal assistance. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is to be notified, and potential federal assistance will be predominantly recovery-oriented.
Catastrophic Disaster (Level III): A disaster that requires massive state and federal assistance, including immediate military involvement. Potential federal assistance will involve response as well as recovery measures. FEMA will be notified.
The flames from the bus and truck are extinguished by members of the fire department who arrived at the scene. Parents of some of the drill team members were following the bus to the football game. While the emergency personnel are trying to care for students, the parents are asking questions and attempting to get to the bus. Some parents call the local hospitals in an attempt to learn where their children will be transferred.
Paramedics triage the clients at the accident site and prepare to send victims to area medical facilities.
2. Once a client has been quickly examined on the scene, what action should be taken next?